I’m a huge fan of the Star Wars films. I watched them at the movies many times and repeatedly at home — first on VHS, then on DVD. I’ve even seen Star Wars in Concert. When I heard in January that the Star Wars Saga was to be available on Blu-Ray in glorious high-definition for the first time, I decided I would buy the set.
I soon learned Best Buy was taking pre-orders even though the set wasn’t out for another 8 months. I had a Best Buy gift card that hadn’t been used, and the pre-order price was $99.99 … attractive, considering it worked out to under $17 each movie … and my gift card took me half-way there. I pre-ordered. I would get it first and at a great price!
Each month Best Buy emailed a reminder of the pending shipment. My anticipation grew. When September 16 rolled around, I expected to have my package waiting at the door. There was no package at my door. It arrived the following week.
What I did have at my door was the latest Mississauga News. The flyers stuffed in the paper also had Best Buy’s latest flyer advertising the coming weekend sale. Had I at least saved money? Best Buy was already running a 3-day sale for the Saga on Blu-Ray: $79.99. Oops.
I thought I would get my item first — and didn’t. I thought I would get it at the best price — and didn’t … initially. The price difference issue got resolved: Best Buy agreed to refund the difference under their price guarantee policy. But, I wish I had those 30 minutes of telephone hold time back — IMHO, they should have automatically credited the difference to people who pre-ordered.
Lesson learned? Have a good reason to buy something early, or you may end up with a hassle. Would I pre-order anything again? On the following condition: Only if the item is in strict limited quantities with a high likelihood the item would be sold out if I waited.